Proposed Operational Requirements for Temporary Nurse Staffing Agencies



Senate Bill 3166, introduced in the New Jersey Senate on May 9, 2024, would require temporary nurse staffing agencies that provide temporary nurses to licensed health care facilities to register annually as a nurse staffing agency with the Division of Consumer Affairs in the Department of Law and Public Safety. The Bill would further require that the agencies employ nurses who are properly credentialed and cap the service rates at 150% of the regional hourly wage, as determined by the most current US Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics wage estimates. Agencies would also be prohibited from: 1) recruiting employees from client facilities and 2) including contract terms that restrict employees from being hired by a client facility or impose penalties for that employment.

For more information, contact:
John D. Fanburg, Chair | 973.403.3107 |
Edward Hilzenrath | 973.403.3114 |
Erika R. Marshall | 973.364.5236 |

*This is intended to provide general information, not legal advice. Please contact the authors if you need specific advice.

Related Practices:   Healthcare Law

Related Industry:   Healthcare