Proposed Legislation to Require Individualized Postpartum Plans

Senate Bill No. 912, passed by both the New Jersey General Assembly and New Jersey Senate as of September 26, 2024, would require practitioners offering prenatal care, including physicians, advanced practice nurses and midwives, to assist patients in making an individualized postpartum care plan during the first trimester. An individualized postpartum care plan would need to include such items as: (i) the name, phone number, and office address of the patient’s care team; (ii) the time, date, and location for the patient’s postpartum checkup and the phone number to schedule or reschedule such appointment, if needed; (iii) guidance regarding breastfeeding; (iv) a reproductive life plan and appropriate contraception; (v) notes about any of the patient’s pregnancy complications and recommended follow-ups or test results; (vi) guidance regarding signs or symptoms of postpartum depression or anxiety; (vii) recommendations for the management of postpartum issues (pelvic floor exercises, urinary incontinence, etc.); and (viii) a treatment plan for ongoing physical and mental health conditions. If a patient waives the right to develop a plan with the practitioner, the practitioner is required to educate the patient about the risks of forgoing adequate postpartum care.
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Related Practices: Healthcare Law
Related Attorney: John D. Fanburg, Edward Hilzenrath, Erika R. Marshall
Related Industry: Healthcare