NJ Employers: New Jersey Division on Civil Rights Adopts New Regulations on Workplace Posting Requirements

Effective August 1, 2022, the New Jersey Division on Civil Rights (“DCR”), which is responsible for enforcement of the New Jersey Law Against Discrimination (“LAD”) and the New Jersey Family Leave Act (“FLA”) adopted new and amended current regulations. The sum of the amendments, according to the DCR, is to increase the visibility and effectiveness of current posters required in the workplace. Not only must employers post the new posters, they must also distribute the poster annually before December 31 and upon request of the employee. Employers may satisfy the distribution and posting requirement by emailing a copy of the poster to employees, by posting on an employee intranet/internet site with notice of posting, or by printed material including, but not limited to, a paycheck insert, onboarding packets to new employees, as an attachment to the employee handbook, or by distribution of a paper copy at an employee meeting. The press release from the DCR and the new posters for the workplace can be obtained by clicking here.
For more information, contact:
Anthony M. Rainone | 973.364.8372 | arainone@bracheichler.com
Matthew M. Collins | 973.403.3151 | mcollins@bracheichler.com