Disseminating Misinformation or Disinformation May Soon Constitute Professional Misconduct

Assembly Bill 5070, introduced in the New Jersey General Assembly on January 19, 2023, would establish that a healthcare professional who disseminates misinformation or disinformation has engaged in professional misconduct and is subject to disciplinary action. Each professional board would be required to promulgate regulations regarding what constitutes grounds for misconduct based on the dissemination of misinformation or disinformation and appropriate disciplinary action.
For more information, contact:
John D. Fanburg, Chair | 973.403.3107 | jfanburg@bracheichler.com
Edward Hilzenrath | 973.403.3114 | ehilzenrath@bracheichler.com
Vanessa Coleman | 973.364.5208 | vcoleman@bracheichler.com
Related Practices: Healthcare Law
Related Attorney: John D. Fanburg, Edward Hilzenrath, Vanessa Coleman