GSBA Energy Forum 2023: Perspectives on ESG & Reflecting on the Road Ahead 5/9/2023

Brach Eichler was honored to co-sponsor and co-host this important event in collaboration with our esteemed co-host, the GARDEN STATE BAR ASSOCIATION, and co-sponsors, the American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE). The active engagement and thoughtful dialogue further our collective efforts toward sustainable energy practices.
Thank you to all who attended the recent 2023 GSBA Energy Forum, and a special thank you to our esteemed panelists:
• Chad Watson, Renewables Development Manager, PSEG & VP, NJ Chapter of the American Association of Blacks in Energy (AABE) (Moderator)
• Frances Stella, Esq., Partner, Brach Eichler LLC | Chair, Environmental & Land Use Practice
• Squire Servance, Esq., Founder & Managing Partner of Syridex Bio
• Nicole Karlebach, Esq., Director, ESG & Global Head, Business and Human Rights, Verizon
• LaTi Spence, Senior Counsel, ESG, TD Bank (Virtual Panelist)
• Robert McKeehan, Vice President, Law and Assistant Corporate Secretary, Johnson & Johnson
Keynote Speaker:
Shawn M. LaTourette, New Jersey Commissioner of the Department of Environmental Protection
Your insights and perspectives on ESG and the future of energy were profoundly engaging and educational.