Public Hearing on Use of RGGI Funds to Support Environmental Concerns

The Murphy Administration is holding a hearing on Thursday, June 9, 2022 from 6:00-7:30 p.m. to gather public comments on the RGGI Strategic Funding Plan to support the Governor’s climate change, clean energy, and environmental justice efforts. The New Jersey Department of Environmental Protection, Board of Public Utilities, and Economic Development Authority are hosting the virtual seminar, which is open to all who sign up: Zoom meeting registration page. These agencies released the first RGGI Strategic Funding Plan in 2020, which provided the information on the funding and projects from 2020 through 2022. During that period, more than $100 million of auction proceeds has been dedicated across the state. The heads of all three agencies released statements regarding the Administration’s commitment to limiting the effects of climate change and the need for public input to determine how best to use the RGGI funds.